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Department of Maulika Siddhanta

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Introduction-This department deals with Ayurvedic Samhitas, Padartha vigyan, Ayurveda Itihas,and Sanskrit, Research Methodology and Medical Statistics. Basically it gives Moulika Siddhantas and their clinical implications to prevent the healthy individuals and cure the diseases one. This department laid the foundation base for ayurveda. Ayurveda is divided into eight branches, each and every branch derived from Samhitas.

The Department is imparting teaching, both clinical and literary, on the fundamental doctrines of Ayurveda.

Aims and Objectives-

1. To serve fundamental education to the students of under-graduates.

2. Teaching by the advanced & interesting means to make the subject and knowledge up to date on scientific parameters.

3. To produce quality doctors in the field of Ayurveda so that ayurveda could be propagated worldwide.

4. To impart not only literary but also clinical teaching based on the fundamental doctrines.